Items to help the residents of Elm House Household items: Paper towels, garbage bags, laundry soap, dryer sheets, Swiffer sheets, cleaning spray (non-bleach - safe for residents to use), vinyl floor cleaner Kitchen: Dishwasher soap, brown paper lunch bags Personal Items: Body wash, feminine pads, depends pull ups (Men's small and medium) Bathrooms: TP, toilet cleaner Activities: Crafts, tickets or money for events/movies/sports/etc Office Supplies: Copy paper Outside Needs: Potting soil, plants, pretty pots, hose reels (2), garden stakes, power washer, 8 foot aluminum ladder (non-extendable) Other: Gift Card to Lowes, Meijer, Kroger, Walmart, Gas Stations, Amazon, etc. Big Dream Items: passenger van or mini-van (used is fine), remodel bathrooms, Quadricycle, Skylights
Financial Contributions always welcome! Please visit our Amazon wish list: We have projects that need volunteer contractors, painters, electricians! Contact staff at: 734-242-2177 Email: [email protected] Home, Inc. is a (501c3) non-profit that operates Elm House. A licensed adult foster care home for people with developmental disabilities, mental illness or traumatic brain injury. Your donations will benefit the Residents at Elm House. Tax ID # 38-2088634